Contact Me

I am continually working to improve the website, to help make your visit more enjoyable. So if you have ideas and suggestions, or need more information, feel free to email me, using the link below.
You can use the link to request information about sharing on the site, submit comments and suggestions, or just to say hello. Make sure to include as much information as possible in the email, so I can give you the answers you need.
The link will open your preferred email client, where you can add your questions, comments, and suggestions, then send it to me. I will respond to your request as soon as possible, usually the same day.
I also ask for permission to share your email on the website, so please let me know, at the bottom of your request. The choice is always yours and you are under no obligation, but if you do choose to share the email, it will be posted in the Mail section of the Daily page.

Sharing on the Website

Family members and friends, can share all kinds of things on the website, like the latest news, your favorite photos, a special event like a birthday or anniversary and even your home movies. To learn more about sharing, please see the Support page. Then if you still have questions about submitting your content, don't hesitate to contact me.
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You can follow me on social media, check out my YouTube channel, or Tweet™ this page, by clicking the buttons below.
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